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Doosan Showcases Young Artists With ‘Space & Contemplation’ Photo Exhibition
- 300 photos and essays created by 94 middle school and high school students as part of Doosan’s “Time Traveler” program - Exhibit displays unique sentiments through photos and essays about Seoul
2014. 11. 26

From November 26 to December 1, Doosan is hosting “Space & Contemplation,” an exhibition showcasing artworks created by the students enrolled in the third “Time Traveler” program, at Gana Insa Art Center in Seoul.

For the exhibition, 300 photos and essays created by 94 middle school and high school students offer a fresh look at Seoul, re-interpreted according to their unique perspectives and sentiments. From November 5 to 11, students took photos of more than 70 locations around Seoul — homes and schools, historical sites like Changgyeong Palace and Gyeongbok Palace, and significant parts of town like the artistic enclave of Hongdae and the industrial Jangan-dong.

“Looking at the artworks, I could tell that the students paid close attention to those spaces we normally just pass by,” said Kwang Joo Choi, president of Doosan Corporation and an organizer of the exhibit. “I’m happy that the students seem to have become more emotionally mature through the seven-month program.”

“Time Traveler” is a community involvement program designed to help guide the emotional development of middle school and high school students who are at risk. Under the program, students get a chance to reflect on themselves and their lives by observing their surroundings through the camera lens and listening to stories of others living there.

Since 2012, about 250 students have completed the Time Traveler program. Photographers Bae Bien-U and Jungman Kim, choreographer Eun Me Ahn, Professor Dae-hoe Ahn from the Department of Chinese Classics at SungKyunKwan University, Professor Byeong-joo Shin of the History Department at Konkuk University, and Professor Byeong-I Yang of the Graduate School of Environment at Seoul National University have taken part in the program as advisors.