News & Stories

DISD Becomes First to Construct Wheel Loader R&D Center in China
2013. 1. 23

On January 23, DISD built a wheel loader R&D Center within its factory premises in Yantai, China, and held a dedication ceremony. This is the first time a foreign company operating in China built a wheel loader R&D center. Built at a cost of KRW 11 billion, the center has a total area of 7,953 m2 (85,600 sq.ft.) and five stories. It is equipped with a power train laboratory, hydraulic laboratory, electronic field laboratory, and a 3D precision measurement room, among other sophisticated facilities, as well as a wheel loader exhibition center and audio-visual room. The center enables the company to respond promptly to the fast changing Chinese wheel loader market to develop tailored products and cater to customer needs.

Alongside the construction of the wheel loader R&D Center, the company will unveil five new models this year. Boosting its product price and quality competitive edge, the company will further penetrate
the Chinese market and simultaneously expand its exports to emerging markets, such as the Middle East, Africa and the CIS. DISD President Jihua Liao (廖吉华) said, “Having constructed this sophisticated wheel loader R&D Center, we are committed to becoming the most competitive company in wheel loader markets in China and emerging countries. We will expand our product portfolio, implement policies tailored to various sales channels, and bolster our market response capabilities.”